Maquila Payroll

Service and payroll processing, generation of official reports for payments. Employees are legally on the payroll of the customer and therefore is responsible to the IMSS, SAR and INFONAVIT. We work with absolute reliability in data handling and reports for various departments. With This service, we take care of your payroll calculation, timeliness of payments, and the responsibility of calculations and tax discounts and benefits Granted by your company. This service is a tailored suit offering you the support of our payroll specialists Who Have deep knowledge of tax law, and labor.


• Depending on the incident payroll.
• Generating receipts.
• Reports.
• Payments.
• Discounts.
• Additional benefits and law.
• Calculation of settlements and liquidations.
• Calculation of monthly and annual cumulative.
• High, low and Modifications IMSS.
• Registration disabilities and absences.
• Integrated wage determination.
• SUA process and file generation for payment.
• IMSS and INFONAVIT reports.
• Preparation of annual records of perceptions and retentions.
